Patron Ads Show Fundraiser
Due before May 5th, 2025

A fun surprise for your dancer or someone special is to make an Ad just for them at the dance show this year. Ads will be included in our printed program this year.

Please be creative, follow the guidelines on dimensions and submit the ad before the deadline: Monday, May 5th, 2025.

  1. Design your ads with 1020 x 1548 pixels and under 10MB formatted vertically/portrait orientation.

Example Patron Ad

2. Ads should be in COLOR, saved as a JPG or PNG only.

3. Submit Ads by using the form below.

4. All Ads are due before Monday, May 5th, 2025

5. Ads are $50. Fees will be charged to your e-dance account upon receiving your Ad.

Only Ads that we have received correctly by email and before the deadline date will be used.
Feel free to check in with us to confirm that your ad was received.
Thank you