Please note that we wear EARRINGS! Every dancer was given a set of earrings at last year’s recital. If you are a new dancer you will be given a pair at check in for dress rehearsal or you can pick up at front desk before staging week. If you have lost them, please make sure you get a pair of earrings before the recital, either at the front desk or at dancer check in. They are $3.

Please watch the video below about how to do your hair for the show and picture week. It is very important that we all look sharp and unified in our hairstyles. All hair is in the ponytail style, except all ballet numbers will be in the bun as shown.


Front View of what the hair should look like with the center part and ponytail in the back.

Back/Side View of what the hair should look like with the center part and ponytail in the back.


All dancers have the same make-up. Reminder: no glitter, no colored eye shadow, please read all notes on this page.